A resolution consists of a long sentence divided into clauses. It must be typed according to the official format with each line numbered. It is divided into two parts: preambulatory and operative clauses.

Preambulatory Clauses

  • refer to background information, arguments, justifications and aims of the action
  • begin with a present or past participle (Acknowledging/ Alarmed by)
  • are separated by commas

Operative Clauses

  • are numbered
  • say which kind of action you want to take (Attention: each operative clause must contain only one clear statement!)
  • are arranged in logical order
  • begin with a verb in 3rd person singular of the Present Tense (Proposes/Hopes)
  • are separated by semicolons

A resolution should stimulate negotiation and compromise for the greater good and rarely be condemnatory in nature to avoid alienation and to promote peaceful solutions to world problems.

Format of a Resolution

  • The following headings must appear on each page:

    FORUM – name of the forum (e.g. Environment Commission)
    QUESTION OF – the issue which the resolution deals with (e.g. “Sustainable Energy Use”)
    SUBMITTER – one main submitter (the country which presents the resolution)
    CO-SUBMITTERS – the countries which helped to draft and signed the resolution

  • The pages must be numbered.
  • The introductory word or phrase of each clause is underlined.
  • There is a line-space between each clause.
  • The lines of the text are numbered.
  • Each operative clause is numbered.
  • Sub-clauses are lettered: a), b), c).
  • Sub-sub-clauses are numbered: I), II), III).
  • Operative clauses and sub-caluses are indented (by using the tab settings not the space-bar!)
  • Acronyms and abbreviations are written out in full the first time they are used.

Preambulatory Phrases

Acknowledging / Expecting / Noting with appreciation
Affirming / Expressing it’s appreciation / Noting with approval
Alarmed by / Expressing it’s satisfaction / Noting with deep concern
Approving / Fulfilling / Noting with regret
Aware of / Fully alarmed / Noting with satisfaction
Believing / Fully aware / Observing
Bearing in mind / Fully believing / Pointing out
Confident / Further deploring / Reaffirming
Congratulating / Further recalling / Realizing
Contemplating / Guided by / Recalling
Convinced / Having adopted / Recognizing
Declaring / Having considered / Referring
Deeply concerned / Having considered further / Reminding
Deeply conscious / Having devoted attention / Seeking
Deeply convinced / Having examined / Taking into account
Deeply disturbed / Having heard / Taking into consideration
Deeply regretting / Having received / Taking note
Deploring / Having studied / Viewing with appreciation
Desiring / Keeping in mind / Welcoming
Emphasizing / Noting further

Operative Phrases

Accepts / Encourages / Recommends
Affirms / Endorses / Regrets
Approves / Expresses it’s appreciation / Requests
Asks / Expresses it’s hope / Resolves
Authorizes / Further invites / Resolves
Calls for / Further proclaims / Strongly affirms
Calls upon / Further recommends / Strongly condemns
Condemns / Further requests / Strongly urges
Congratulates / Further resolves / Suggests
Confirms / Hopes / Supports
Declares accordingly / Invites / Trusts
Deplores / Proclaims / Transmits
Designates / Proposes / Urges

Sample Resolution

FORUM: Environment Commission
QUESTION: Need for Continued and Coordinated Research into the Ozone Layer

  • Alarmed by the growing depletion of the ozone layer over the Arctic and Antarctic Regions,
  • Deeply concerned by the effects of ozone depletion such as the increase in ultraviolet radiation which causes cancer, disrupts food chains on land and in the sea, damages forests and causes air pollution and climate change,
  • Emphasizing that the cause of these effects is the utilization of chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxides and other chemicals,
  • Realizing that only rapid international action will prevent the earth from ultimate catastrophe,
  • Urges the formation of:
    • national and independent ozone layer research groups, consisting of one representative or each research programme currently in progress within each nation, along with chosen specialists in jurisprudence and journalism, and
    • an international research group under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), consisting of one delegate from each national and independent research group, as well as of international lawyers and journalists;
  • Encourages all groups to:
    • publish data on the nationwide production and consumption of the aforementioned chemicals, as well as the import and export of these substances,
    • ensure that the goals set by the Helsinki Accord and the Montreal Protocol concerning the production and use of ozone-depleting chemicals be ratified by the year 1992;
  • Suggests that all governments consider imposing taxes on the production of all ozone-depleting chemicals as a means of funding further research;
  • Authorizes the international groups to:
    • publish reports for the United Nations and the press including exact figures from the results of national research and progress,
    • devise an international insignia marking all products deemed destructive of the ozone,
    • coordinate the investigation schedules of the national groups and organize frequent exchange of results;
  • Requests that the UNEP divide the above-mentioned information into three categories:
    • information concerning the rate of depletion of the ozone layer and the affected geographical areas,
    • information concerning ways to limit the depletion of the ozone layer,
    • information concerning materials whose use should be altered or which should be replaced in order to lessen the potential damage to the ozone layer;
  • Asks all nations to use published materials from the UNEP to review and revise, where need be, their own national laws on the production and use of ozone-depleting substances;
  • Proclaims that the international group under the auspices of UNEP meet twice a year to examine the rapid influx of information and research developments so that the financial burden will be laid mainly on the individual nations and not on the United Nations;
  • Suggests renewed effort in increasing public awareness through the use of the media and the published findings of the afore mentioned groups;
  • Seeks the immediate progress towards these goals in order to preserve this globe and its future inhabitants.